Legal Review of Individual Candidate in Direct Elections
Jurnal Internasional ISSN 2224-3240 (P per) ISSN 2224-3259 (Online) Vol.61, 2017 Review of Individual Candidate in Direct Elections Kelik Endro Suryono , Hartanto Faculty of Law Universitas Widya Mataram Yogyakarta, Ndalem Mangkubumen KT III No 237 Kota Yogyakarta, Indonesia Abstract One element of the absolute existence of a state is sovereign, in which Indonesia adheres to the sovereignty of the people is reflected in direct democracy one of which is the Election of Regional Head and Deputy Regional Head. Decision of the Constitutional Court Number 5/PUU-V/2007 opens the widest possible opportunity for prospective individual candidate to go forward as a candidate for the head area. Law Number 8 of 2015...