
Showing posts from October, 2024

Hati-Hati Menggunakan AI Bisa Kena Pidana

Image - YOGYA - Manusia semakin dimudahkan teknologi  kecerdasan buatan  atau Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) yang berkembang pesat dan telah diaplikasikan dalam berbagai sektor, mulai dari industri manufaktur, layanan kesehatan, pendidikan, hingga sektor finansial. Namun demikian penggunaan AI juga harus berhati-hati karena bisa berdampak negatif, termasuk ancaman  pidana . "Seperti misal di dunia pendidikan ketika ada dosen membuat tulisan jurnal ilmiah dibantu AI akan lebih mudah dan cepat mengerjakannya tetapi ada akses negatif ketika ditemukan ada unsur plagiat karena ditemukan tulisan serupa di jurnal lainnya," tutur Dosen  FH UII , Dr. Mahrus Ali SH MH dalam Seminar Nasional (Semnas) yang dihelat Fakultas Hukum (FH) Universitas Widya Mataram (UWM), Sabtu (19/10) di Forriz Hotel, Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto Yogya. Semnas dengan tema “Artificial Intelligence (AI): Perspektif ...

The Principle of Audi et Alteram Partem in the Process of Proof in Criminal Cases (Analysis of Decision No. 123/PID.B/2022/PN YYK) The Principle of Audi et Alteram Partem in the  Process of Proof in Criminal Cases (Analysis of Decision No. 123/PID.B/2022/PN YYK)  Abstract This research examines the application of the audi et alteram  partem principle by the panel of judges in case Number  123/Pid.B/2022/PN Yyk, focusing on how it influenced the  judicial decision-making process. The audi et alteram partem  principle, which ensures that both parties in a trial have an equal  opportunity to present their arguments and evidence, is central  to ensuring justice and fairness in legal proceedings. However,  this study finds that the principle was not fully applied in this  case, leading to an imbalance in the trial. The research combines  normative and empirical methods, including interviews and  literature reviews, to explore whether the evidence presented  was adequately considered accor...